Market Analysis and Sizing

Investment decisions - whether for the commercial market or a government bid decision - require an understanding of prevailing market conditions, the nature of competition, emerging trends, comparative competitive cost structures and price offers, and the overall size of the target market to be effective. As a matter of course, Praxis maintains the data that supports this type of analysis in the competitive intelligence center (CIC). A number of market analysis products are regularly updated and available upon request. In addition, Praxis conducts custom research projects for its clients targeting specific market segments for detailed review and analysis.

These analyses include (as a minimum):

  • key market characteristics (overall);
  • granular assessment of market size, by service/product type, associated cross elasticities of demand;
  • demand drivers (demographics, new mission, efficiency improvements, cost avoidance, etc.);
  • synopses of key actors (customers, competitors, regulators, contracting office, etc.) roles and impact; and
  • key market trends and directions and likely impacts.